This website is the property of MARC SICH & CO.

Information about the host:

The site is hosted by 1&1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare, BP 70109, 57201 Sarreguemines Cedex
0825 080 020 (call billed at €0.15/min from a landline in mainland France).
SARL with a capital of 100,000 EUR
RCS Sarreguemines B 431 303 775
SIRET 431 303 775 000 16
APE 642 B

Information about the web agency:

This website was developed by the KYMA agency:
KYMA SAS – 128 Rue de la Boétie 75008 PARIS
Such. : +33(0)

For more information:

Information on the use of cookies:

➔ What is a cookie?

A cookie is a series of information sent by a website to a computer in the form of a small data file.
Cookies are useful to facilitate the personalization of your access to our online services. They can be used for authentication, a session, storing specific information such as preferences on a site or the content of an electronic shopping cart.
The storage of cookies is done through the web browser used by the user (for example Internet Explorer).

There are two types of cookies:
– Session cookies which are deleted from your computer when you close your browser.
– Permanent cookies that remain stored on your computer after the browser is closed.
However, cookies are anonymous and are in no way used to collect personal information.

➔ The usefulness of cookies for MARC SICH & CO
Our website uses cookies to enable and facilitate electronic communication. But also to provide the online services subscribed to and collect general (non-personal) data on customers for the purpose of targeted communication.

➔ Your consent must be required beforehand
You are free to accept or refuse cookies by configuring your browser (disabling all or some cookies – see your web browser manual or help function).
Disabling cookies may result in the unavailability of certain services with which they are associated. It does not prevent access to non-reserved areas of the site.

Note: MARC SICH & CO keeps track of connections to this site. This use is made for statistical analysis purposes. The corresponding data does not include personal data, and is destroyed after use.